Contaminated lands - Site and Soil Assessment - Site and Water Monitoring

Environmental Reports

Broadcrest delivers comprehensive reporting and solutions to property developers, planners, engineers and construction companies, as well as Local Authorities and Government Agencies. We offer focused solutions in contaminated land, salinity, acid sulfate soils, human risk and, environmental risk. Broadcrest Consultant's use the latest data within proprietary systems to analyse your site with unparalleled depth, speed and accuracy.

  SEPP55:Environmental Site Assessment  

PHASE 1: Preliminary Contamination Assessment
PHASE 2:Detailed Contamination Assessment
RAP: Remedial Action Plan

Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Consequences
Management | Compliance

Review of Environmental Factors

Environmental impacts | Social impacts |
Sustainable development | EPAA Part 5

           Waste Classification           

EPA waste classification | Chemical waste classification | Hazardous waste classification

        Compliance Monitoring        

Groundwater | Soil | Dust |
Contaminated materials

    Excavated Natural materials    

Virgin Excavated Natural Material
Excavated Natural Material (ENM)

      Acid Sulfate Assessments       

Assessment | Management | Monitoring

Environmental Site Assessment

An Environmental Site Assessment is undertaken to determine the likelihood or extent of contamination on a site. The requirement for which is often triggered by a change in land use at Development Application under State Environmental Planning Policy 55 (SEP55). Environmental Site Assessments can be classed into four progressive phases:

  1. PHASE 1: Preliminary Contamination Assessment
  2. PHASE 2: Detailed Contamination Assessment
  3. RAP: Site Remedial Action Plan
  4. Site Validation and Ongoing Monitoring.

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Assessment of Excavated Natural Materials

The NSW Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act) and the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2005 provide tight requirements on what constitutes ‘clean fill’. There are two categories:

  • Virgin Excavated Natural Material (VENM)
  • Excavated Natural Material (ENM)

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Waste Classification

In NSW, soil must be classified prior to land-fill disposal in accordance with the NSW EPA Waste Classification Guidelines 2014. Classification is based on the extent and type of contamination within the soil, in addition to its the physical and chemical properties. There are six pre-classed categories.

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Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) refers to the process of assessing the likely environmental impacts of a proposal and identifying options to minimize those impacts. The requirement for an EIA is generally triggered by a Development Application or change in land use whereby an impact on the surrounding environment is possible.

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Reviews of Environmental Factors

A Review of Environmental Factors (REF) is an environmental assessment undertaken to assist in meeting the requirements of Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act). An REF should be completed before a determining authority undertakes an activity, or grants approval allowing an external party to undertake an activity that could potentially impact upon the environment.

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Compliance Monitoring

Compliance monitoring typically requires routine inspections of a site for the sampling or direct measurement of prescribed parameters. For instance, the sampling of discharge waters for laboratory analysis or measurement of the depth to groundwater respectively. Compliance monitoring is usually prescribed by consent authorities when any type of discharge to the surrounding environment is possible or proposed.

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